• When two vectors are in the same direction
  • When two vectors are in the opposite direction
  • When two vectors are perpendicular to each other
  • By head to tail rule
  • Analytical determination of the resultant of two vectors using parallelogram law
  • The general method of adding two vectors using triangle law

Methode of Addition of Two Vectors

When two vectors are in the same direction

When two vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB` are in the same direction, then the magnitude of the resultant vector can be obtained by simply adding the magnitudes of the individual vectors i.e.

`\Rightarrow`                      |`\vecA+\vecB`| `=|\vecA|+|\vecB|`

The direction of the resultant vector is the same as that of the vector `\vecA` and `\vecB` 

SAI Educational Institute

When two vectors are in the opposite direction

When two vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB` are in the opposite direction and the vector `\vecA` has greater magnitude then the magnitude of the resultant vector is equal to the difference of the magnitudes of the vector `\vecA` and `\vecB` i.e.

`\Rightarrow`                      |`\vecA-\vecB`| `=|\vecA|-|\vecB|`

The direction of the resultant vector is in the direction of the vector `\vecA` which has greater magnitude.

SAI Educational Institute

When two vectors are perpendicular to each other

When two vectors are perpendicular to each other (say vector `\vecA` and `\vecB`) then the magnitude of the resultant vector is obtained by Pythagoras's theorem i.e.

`\Rightarrow`                      |`\vecA+\vecB`| `=\sqrt{|vecA|^2+|vecB|^2}`

The direction of the resultant vector can be determined by trigonometric functions say vector `\vecA` as the base and vector `\vecB` as perpendicular then: 

`\Rightarrow`                      `\theta=\tan^{-1}\left(\frac BA\right)` 

SAI Educational Institute


By Head to Tail Rule

  • Vectors are always added graphically according to the head to tail rule. The following steps should be carried out to add two or more than two vectors.
  • Choose a particular coordinate system.
  • Select a suitable scale according to the magnitudes of the physical quantities.
  • Draw the first vector by using this scale.
  • Draw the second vector using the scale plotting the tail (initial point of the second vector on the head (terminal point) of the first vector.
  • The head (terminal point) of the second vector is joined with the tail (initial point) of the third vector.
  • Similarly, draw all the given vectors one by one.
  • Now the straight-line directed from the tail (initial point) of the first vector to the head (terminal point) of the last vector represents the resultant vector.
  • Now, measure the line and reconvert it into its real magnitude with the help of the chosen scale.
SAI Educational Institute

General Method of Adding Two Vectors Using Triangle Law

If the vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB` are joined by "Head to Tail Rule" to form the sides of a triangle as shown in the figure then the resultant vector is given by:

`\Rightarrow`                      `\vecR=\vecA+\vecB`

If two vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB` form an angle "`\theta`" with each other then the magnitude of the resultant vector may be determined by:

`\Rightarrow`                      |`\vecR`| `=\sqrt{|vecA|^2+|vecB|^2+2ABCos\theta}`

It must be remembered that "`\theta`" is the angle between the vector `\vecA` and `\vecB`.

`\Rightarrow`                      `\phi=\cos\theta\left(\frac{A^2+R^2-B^2}{2AR}\right)=\tan^{-1}\left(\frac{B\sin\theta}{A+B\cos\theta}\right)`

SAI Educational Institute

Analytical Determination of the Resultant of Two Vectors Using Parallelogram Law

If the vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB` are joined by "Head to Tail Rule" to form a parallelogram as shown in the figure then the magnitude of the resultant vector is given by:

`\Rightarrow`                      `|vecR|=|vecA+vecB|= sqrt{A^2+B^2-2ABCos\left(180-\theta\right)}`

`\Rightarrow`                      `|vecR|=|vecA+vecB|= sqrt{A^2+B^2+2ABCos\theta}`

where `\theta` is the angle between the vectors `\vecA` and `\vecB`. The above formula is developed from the "Law of Cosines".

For Subtraction:

`\Rightarrow`                      `|vecR|=|vecA-vecB|= sqrt{A^2+B^2-2ABCos\theta}`

For Direction:

The direction of the resultant vector may be given by the angle `\alpha` and `\beta` as shown in the diagram. The angles `\alpha` or `\beta` can be determined by:

`\Rightarrow`                      `\frac{Sine\alpha}B=\frac{Sine\beta}A=\frac{Sin\theta}R`


`\Rightarrow`                      `\frac{Sin\alpha}|vecB|=\frac{Sin\beta}|vecA|=\frac{Sin\theta}|vecR|`

This is called the "Law of Sines"

SAI Educational Institute

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