Physical Quantities and measurement

Physical Quantities and measurement


Physics is that branch of science, which offers the study of properties of matter and energy along with the interaction between them. 

There are two main branches of Physics:

Classical or Newtonian Physics: "It deals with Macroscopic phenomena"

Modern or Quantum Physics: "It deals with microscopic as well as macroscopic phenomena"



It is mainly concerned with the motion of particle or bodies under the action of given forces.


It is concerned with physical phenomena involving electric charges and their effects when at rest or in motion.


It is concerned with the observation and laws relating electricity to magnetism


It is concerned with the property of crystalline material only in which the constituent atoms are arranged in three-dimensional lattice.


It deals with the structure and properties of atoms as determined by the electrons outside the nucleus.


It deals with structure, properties and reaction between the nuclei of atoms.


It is concerned with properties of highly ionized atoms forming a mixture of bare nuclei and electrons known as ion plasma.


It deals with the application of physical methods and types of explanation to Bio-physical systems and structures.


It is concerned with the application of modern physics to the problems of astronomy.

Islam and Science

Holy Quran has provided many incentives for the betterment of the sciences.  Some Quranic verses quoted below:

  • Surah NOOH (Ayah 15 - 16)

Do you not see how Allah made seven heavens, one above the other?
And He Has set the moon as a light for them. He Has made the sun as a lamp.

  • Surah Al-Imran (Ayah 190 - 191)

Surly in making of heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day, there are signs for people of understanding. Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and on their sides; And those who use thought about the making of the heavens and earth. Our Lord! Thou hast not made this in vain Glory to be Thee. So save us from the pain of fire.

  • Surah Al Jasiya (Ayah12 - 13)

Allah is He Who has ordered the ocean for you that the ships may sail there, in together with His command. And you may seek of His Grace and in order that you may give thanks; And He Has ordered for your benefit whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, all is from Him. Most Surely in this, there are signs for thinking people.


Abu Ali Hassan Ibn-Al-Haitham (965 - 1039)

Specialization:         Physician and Mathematician

Theories & Laws:     Law of reflection and refraction, Difference between Luminous and                                                           Non-Luminous object, Fermat Principle

Inventions:                Pin Hole Camera

Books:                    Kitabul-Manazir (Famous Chapter "Human Eye)

Jabir-Bin-Hayyan (750-803)

Specialization:     Chemist

Theories & Laws:     Law of Chemistry

Inventions:             Strong Acids like `H_2SO_4` `HNO_3`,`HCL`

Abu Abdullah Al-Battani (868-929)

Specialization:    Astronomer

Theories:            Changes in Seasons, Eclipses of Moon and Sun

Muhammad Bin Musa Al Khawarizmi (780-880)

Specialization:  Mathematics 

Theories:          Analytical Algebra, Logarithms

Book:                       Hisabul Jubr Wal Muqabla

Omer Khayyam (1048-1131)

Specialization:          Mathematics and Poet

Inventions:             Lunar Calendar

Abu Rehan Al Beruni (973-1048)

Specialization:    Astronomer, Physician and Mathematician  

Theories:            The laws which are obeyed by Earth, some must be obeyed by other planets

Book:                        Kitabul Qanoon ul Masoodi, Encyclopedia of Astronomy

Abu Ali Al Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibne Sina (980-1037)

Specialization:     Scientist in Medical Field 

Inventions:            Catheters, Silver Syringe to give intravenous injections 

Books:                       Al-Qanun-Fil-Tib, Al-Siffah, Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Yaqoob Bin Ishaq Al-Kindi (800 - 873)

Specialization:         Mathematician, Astronomer

Theories:                  Music

Books:                      Meteorology, Specific gravity, tides

Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya' Al-Razi (865-925)

Specialization:         Physician, Scientist in medical Field

Theories:                  200 Monographs half of which pertained to medicine

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