A satellite is an object that revolves around a planet in a fixed orbit is called satellite.

Definition: A satellite is an object that revolves around a planet in a fixed orbit is called satellite. Satellites are of two types.

  • Natural satellites 
  • Artificial satellites 
Natural Satellite: The planet which revolves around another planet naturally is called “Natural Satellite”. 

Example: Moon is a natural satellite because it revolves around the Earth naturally.

Artificial satellites: The object which are sent into space by scientists to revolve around the Earth or other planets are called “Artificial Satellite”. 

Example: Sputnik-1, Explorer-1 are amongst the artificial satellites.

Uses of Artificial Satellites:
  • The majority of the artificial satellites circling around the Earth are utilized for communication purposes.
  • Artificial satellites convey instruments or travelers to explore different avenues regarding space.
  • Communication satellites require 24 hours to finish their one upset around the Earth.

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